Montag, 30. April 2012

Markus Kenzie is booked for UNIQLO China - my trip to Bejing

This week I am off to Bejing / China. I am booked for UNIQLO one of Japans and Chinas biggest Top-Seller...equal to in Europe known H&M

leaving Frankfurt with Lufthansa to Bejing International Airport

got picked up in time at Běijīng International Airport. So happy to have my personal driver during my stay in Běijīng. Check-in at hotel then later first fitting for fashionshow

Chinese Food.....why not....I am hungry

to stay healthy, to be on the safe side....noodle soup wrapped up sterile

Markus Kenzie having a walk after fitting for UniQlo 

Great fashionshow ahead. Done my fitting. I am going to wear a very slim cut black jacket with some red apliques, slim cut black pants, nude make-up, wetlook hair and some awesome 16cm high black with red feathers! So how cool is this?


UNIQLO (eine Zusammenziehung aus unique clothing, auf deutsch: einzigartige Bekleidung) ist gemessen am Umsatz der größte Bekleidungseinzelhändler in Japan. Weitere Häuser bestehen in China und Hong Kong, Südkorea, den USA, im Vereinigten Königreich und Frankreich. Insgesamt gibt es rund 750 Läden, davon über 700 in Japan, allein in Tokio etwa 100 (Stand Anfang 2009). UNIQLO hat etwa 30.000 Mitarbeiter und offeriert Markenkleidung im preislich günstigeren Basics-Bereich, vergleichbar dem von H&M. Mit einigen bekannteren Modedesignern wird kooperiert.

Freitag, 27. April 2012

VogueStyle Shooting by Sweetender + Cleanish

big thank you to Mirjam Ludwig/ Sweetender + Cleanish....

Markus Kenzie for Sweetender + Cleanish

Markus Kenzie for Sweetender + Cleanish

Markus Kenzie for Sweetender + Cleanish

Markus Kenzie for Sweetender + Cleanish

Mittwoch, 25. April 2012

High Fashion Shooting in Valentino...

Shooting with Jekaterina Rova in Valentino high fashion clothes & lingerie in a Ritz Carlton Suite....

Markus Kenzie@work
Markus Kenzie@Shooting

Jekaterina Rova & Markus Kenzie in Valentino
Jekaterina Rova & Markus Kenzie in Valentino


Sonntag, 22. April 2012

Berlin Fashion Week 2012

Termin: 18.Januar 2012-
Berlin Fashionweek 2012
Schwarzer Reiter supports PREMIUM & Friends Party @ Cookies
Installation Vibes 2012
Copyright by Schwarzer Reiter- Foto Sabine Schwarz

Backstageimpressions Berlin Fashion Week 2012

Tom Kroboth @ work
Tom Kroboth, Mirjam Dorsch und Tom Strohmetz-kreatives Brainstorming zum Style bei Markus Kenzie

Tom Stohmetz @work

Tobias Rabold schönBERLIN 
Backstage @ COOKIES Club Berlin

Fashioninstallation for PREMIUM & Friends Party 2012 and Schwarzer Reiter

Fashioninstallation im COOKIES Club Berlin anlässlich der PREMIUM & Friends Party

Freitag, 20. April 2012

Red Carpet

6. Fashion Night Cocktail by Julian F.M. Stoeckel


Markus Kenzie in Schwarzer Reiter Couture

Edin Desosa ( Desinger Schwarzer Reiter) & Markus Kenzie

Sabine Schwarz, Edin Desosa, Markus Kenzie

Sabine Schwarz, Edin Desosa, Markus Kenzie

Sabine Schwarz, Edin Desosa, Markus Kenzie

 thank you to Sir Richard Pictures, Marcus Lienhardt, Red Carpet Reports...

New Shootingphotos

the photos from the androgyn shooting arrived....


Andrej Pejic vs. Markus Kenzie

Markus Kenzie

Andrej Pejic vs. Markus Kenzie


Casting in Paris

went to Paris this morning for another castings....

Markus Kenzie 

Paris/ Castingtour



Mittwoch, 18. April 2012

the new face for Schwarzer Reiter VIBES 2012

Markus Kenzie for Schwarzer Reiter

Markus Kenzie for Schwarzer Reiter

Markus Kenzie for Schwarzer Reiter
Shootings for Schwarzer Reiter in Berlin, New York & Lissabon are starting soon.... Taken by Photographer Sabine Schwarz, Steffen Herbst & Luis Rocha Dos Reis

Markus Kenzie male model kicks off at

be my guest and travel the world with me...